Landscaping Co.
NEW Course & Community!

Life Designer Club

Achieve work-life harmony

Personal and Professional priorities accounted for

Feel inner peace, freedom and fulfillment daily

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What's Inside The Club

Did you know....

Entrepreneur Burnout Statistics
In 2024 are shocking:


95% of entrepreneurs are unsure of how to achieve a healthy work-life balance.


Over 60% of entrepreneurs report experiencing mental health challenges.


67% of entrepreneurs admit they continue working despite their exhaustion.


Entrepreneurs are 2.5 times more likely to develop depression.

Design your perfect life...

Say hellooo to peace, fulfillment and happiness! Are you an entrepreneur driven to find balance without sacrificing business revenue and success? Imagine what it would be like...

To increase income while reducing work hours.

To experience peace of mind, knowing that no area of your life is being neglected.

To wake up every morning with a clear focus on the day's priorities.

Let's paint the picture a little bit more here...

You feel the best you've ever felt mentally, physically, and spiritually.
You have dedicated time on your calendar for exciting and important life moments. You experience a sense of calmness throughout your day because everything is organized.

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Meet Bobby Hobert


I'm Bobby Hobert, an enthusiast of effortless work-life harmony, a well-being fanatic, and a supporter of only doing things you absolutely love. I'll never forget the time when I was a burnt-out entrepreneur. I was driving for Uber to pay the bills while building my first podcast. I truly believed that the quantity of hours worked was more important than quality, so I found myself living the hustle culture and neglecting every area of my life except work. It was a tough three years, but I made it through! Since then, I've been on a quest to design my life around valuing work-life harmony as my north star without sacrificing business growth, and I've successfully cracked the code on how to achieve it. I know what you need, friend. You need a step by step process that doesn’t leave you overwhelmed.

Read Bobby's STory

Tell me if this sounds just like you…

You’re ready to pave a new path towards work life harmony

You’re ready to make more money by working less

You’re ready to have a proven step by step process

And guess what?

Life is meant to be lived, not just spent working. With this approach, you can prioritize the things and people you value most without sacrificing business growth while feeling internally PEACEFUL! This is what I consider a win/win situation.

So... How do you design your life in a way that integrates work-life harmony without sacrificing revenue? How do you go from burnt out to recharged?

Join The Club


NEW Course & Community!

Life Designer

A Course & Community for Entreprenueurs To Architect Their Perfect Life

Design your ideal life and put the systems and standards in place to create and live it out.

Achieve Clarity in Your Priorities

Better Manage Your Time

Reduce Stress & Increase Well-being

Effectively Communicate & Set Boundaries

Design & Craft Your Ideal Life

Join The Club

In this course you will learn:



If you're unsure how to do achieve clarity in your priorities, don't worry. In the Life Designers Club, I will provide you with a clear and detailed step-by-step process to help you identify what matters most in both your professional and personal life.



Create your own custom calendar to prioritize tasks, throughout your day. With effective time management, you can eliminate wasted time and ensure that no area of your life is neglected. Imagine being able to work less, live more, and increase your income.



Our goal is to eliminate habits and relationships that cause stress in your life, while also establishing self-care practices that become automatic. This will leave you feeling mentally, physically, and spiritually better than ever before!



I will assist you in establishing clear boundaries and teaching you how to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and family members. Learning how to set boundaries without compromising relationships and effectively communicating them will contribute to a more harmonious life.

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What will we cover?

Module 1

Design Your Life Framework

By the end of this module, you will have completed a thorough audit to assess and enhance various aspects of your life while also beginning to map out what the dream life version of yourself would look and feel like.

Personal + Professional Audit

Map Out The Dream Life

Create a Custom Calendar

Craft Your Personal Playbook

Module 2

Personal Audit + Map Out Your Dream Life

By the end of this module, you will have completed a thorough audit to assess and enhance various aspects of your life.

Discovering Your Life Purpose and Values

Cultivating Personal Development for Lifelong Growth

Nurturing Your Body and Mind

Cultivating Healthy Relationships

Building a Successful Entrepreneurial Journey

& more…

Module 3

Create Your Custom Calendar

By the end of this module, your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule will be designed to align with your personal and professional priorities. This will help you avoid wasting time and ensure that no important areas of your life are neglected.

The Power of Custom Calendars

Exploring Calendar Formats

The Importance of Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Planning

Mastering Time Blocking

Balancing Personal and Professional Life

& more…

Module 4

Build Your Personal Playbook

By the end of this module, you will have a personalized set of rules to live by. These rules will help you avoid energy vampires, distractions, and environments that can derail you from your priorities. Imagine having a personal accountability partner who genuinely wants to see you succeed and will call you out when you slip.

Boundaries for Well-being and Success

Types of Boundaries

Effective Boundary Communication Strategies

Setting Boundaries for Healthy Relationships

Strategies for Maintaining Personal Boundaries

& more…

Module 5

Non-negotiable Mindsets

By the end of this module, you will have acquired the mindsets that are essential for designing your life successfully. These will be crucial for you to have as your goals, interests and priorities will change with time.

Chase Your Curiosity

Be Intentional With Your Time

Pause For Gratitude

If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want to Go Far, Go Together

You Win The Morning, You Win The Day

& More....

But you will learn even more with extras that are included:

My 10 Core Values I Live By

My Relationship Weekly Check-In Questions

My Cold Email Template

My Favorite Books + Podcasts

My Current Well-being Protocol

My Time Management Strategies

My Hobbies & Leisure Time Activities

My Personal Habits

& More....

Join The Club

Are you ready to design your life?

You no longer have to guess how to design your life to create work-life harmony. It's all wrapped up and waiting for you. Enroll now!


This is for you if...

You're stressed trying to balance the demands of running a business with your personal life

You're mentally and physically fatigued because you have no boundaries with work

You feel guilty for neglecting personal relationships, family, and self-care

You're ready to take responsibility and regain control of your life

Not Ready

This is NOT for you if...


You are looking for a quick fix


You aren’t coachable


You aren’t willing to dedicate time to design your life


You don’t care to have work life harmony

How It Works

Let’s walk you through your next steps...

Step 1: Invest in becoming the designer of your life

First step? Turn up your favorite music and let the excitement flow! You are about to embark on the most important step in your journey to design your life.

Step 2: Allocate 1 hour per week to complete a lesson.

My suggestion for achieving the best results? Schedule dedicated time on your calendar each week for your chosen life design hours. This will ensure that you have designated time each week to complete your work!

Step 3: Use the community for added accountability

Don't go through this journey alone! You have a whole community of life by design entrepreneurs in the making. A group of entrepreneurs who are seeking balance, peace, fulfillment, and happiness - just like you!

Ready to change the way you live your life?

Join The Club

But that’s not alll…

130+ MINI EXERCISES: Apply what you are learning and take immediate action while completing the course.

DONE FOR YOU TEMPLATES: Plug and play templates to help guide you through this process.

Are you ready to design your life?

You no longer have to guess how to design your life to create work-life harmony. It's all wrapped up and waiting for you. Enroll now!

100% Risk Free Policy

Receive a 100% refund if you do not find value in the Life Designer Club.
You MUST show all videos were watched, all exercises were completed, you’ve attended at least one LIVE Q&A and you’ve interacted in the private community in order to be considered to receive a full refund.

Are you ready to join the
Life Designer Club?

Bobby invites you to let him guide you on your path to success and fulfillment. Having experienced the journey firsthand, he is eager to empower you to shine. Are you ready to completely transform your life? Let’s get started and make it happen!

Join The Club